4 Great Ways to Sell Your Home Faster!
Crafty home sellers know incentives are a bit like the prize at the bottom of the cereal box. By offering buyers something a little different, they can improve their chances of selling their homes quickly and for the price they want.
Clean It - Sell It
When trying to get a house from the listing category to the sold status there are usually some blatantly obvious tips to pay attention to.
Clean the Clutter
Who hasn't seen a movie, television show or cartoon where some unsuspecting person opens a closet door just to have the entire contents, usually including a bowling ball, come bursting out.
Curb Appeal
Huge overgrown trees and shrubs are often the first thing a person will notice about your house. Make sure they don't.
Light that Sells
A bright home is a cheery home and a cheery home doesn't stay on the market very long.
Separate your house from the pack
The idea of something being cyclical most certainly applies to the home buying and selling markets.
Take Fido for a Walk!
Even though a large number of Americans consider themselves to be dog lovers, your furry friend may cause some undue anguish with a prospective buyer.
Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection
Most buyers will hire a home inspector to inspect your home before closing. If you are selling or plan on selling you will want to know these important things to pass your home inspection.