New age real estate – a combination of cutting edge technology and old fashioned values – a company guiding and protecting agents and providing a financial edge in a challenging market. Here at Vernon Realty Services, we strive to fulfill the needs of our agents, clients, and employees; constantly monitoring what is needed and when. We seek to right the wrongs in real estate with a straight forward approach.
We strive to set ourselves apart because, as an owner, I have experienced much of what agents experience on a regular basis from other companies. We remember what it feels like to call a broker and not have a response for days. We know how it feels to walk into a settlement room only to find it unprepared for settlement later that day with the remnants of lunch on the table.
At Vernon Realty Services we are interested in building solid relationships as opposed to making fluffy statements and handing out warm, fuzzy marketing materials. We expect agents to want a good working relationship with their broker and business owner. We dedicate ourselves to exploring new ideas with agent input, ultimately creating a better environment for all concerned. Our goals are to create a true “win-win” atmosphere, build a brokerage of seasoned professionals, and offer our clients superior results and customer service second to none.
Welcome to a new real estate agent experience!
How to Become a New Real Estate Agent in Pennsylvania
So you are considering a career as a real estate sales agent? The process of becoming a licensed professional in the real estate industry differs from state to state. Most real estate agents are required to have a certain number of hours of pre-licensing education – and, in some cases, experience – to become fully licensed. The steps below provide you just about everything you'll need to know to get you started in a real estate career in Pennsylvania!
Step 1.
Qualifying Age: An applicant for a real estate salesperson license must be 18 years of age.
Step 2.
Get the Required Pre-License Education: Before you can sit for the PA state licensing exam (Through the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission testing vendor, PSI), you must... Complete 60 hours of approved instruction in Real Estate Fundamentals (30 hours) and Real Estate Practices (30 hours).
Some schools require you to pass a proctored final examination. The Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission requires you successfully complete a live, proctored final examination with a score of at least 75%.
Step 3.
Register for the State Examination: After completing your required pre-licensing education, you must… Submit a completed Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Examination Registration Form contained in the Candidate Information Bulletin provided by PSI.
Submit the appropriate application fee referenced in the Candidate Information Bulletin.
Submit proof of your completed Pennsylvania Real Estate Education qualifications with your registration form.
Step 4.
Schedule the Exam: After your request has been processed, you will receive an email confirming approval at which time you can schedule an exam.
Step 5.
Get a Broker Affiliation: Before you submit your application for licensure to the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission, you will need to have an "employing broker". For a number of reasons, it is important to research potential brokers in your area. The employing broker is responsible for ensuring that you meet and maintain the requirements for a Pennsylvania Real Estate Salesperson License.
Step 6.
Apply for Licensure: After you’ve successfully fulfilled your education requirements, completed your proctored exam, passed your state exam and obtained an employing broker, you may submit the following paperwork to the Pennsylvania Real Estate Commission: Completed Salesperson Initial License Application signed by broker and applicant
Education Transcripts
PSI examination score reports
Criminal background check
Check or money order
Criminal conviction and/or disciplinary documentation (If applicable)
Step 7.
When approved, your license will be mailed to your employing Broker’s main office.